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hello bonjour

In fact I would have prefered that members break in on this topic :  but hey seem more interested by playing about



I was just wondering about the lack of a slight touch of MimiPalintty´s lecture in this thread.
Unbelievably entertaining of you all Europeans! I´ve thoroughly enjoyed the banter and come away with a new understanding of the manners of most men around the world now, excluding Wasbash of course, a gentleman without question!

Please, remain in your full color; as Americans might call it when all rules of ediquite have gone over your shrinking forebrains; as your ´egos´ have taken control of your mouths! And they say women are can´t be quiet!

So, thanks for the laughs, out loud, great fun guys! Most sincerely, MimiPatty (I can see I´ve been away too long!) Peace Always!
Originally posted by pfbnantes

.........the only fight that I can tolerate is the one against the arrogance and the sufficiency of some pseudo-experts who think that their words are .......

Only the words ´´I can tolerate´´ are delightful and show your schizophrenia. Let´s look at YOUR competence as expert :

Originally posted by pfbnantes

....expression ´´ tiens fumes c´est du belge ´´ coming from the time when smuggling tobacco and cigarettes coming from belgium was considered as a symbol of quality ...

One of the most vulgar french expressions! When there was no reason to write it for the understanding of the post, a coward way to say! to wasbach, that the expression means the most often.

Just add your insulting judgment about americans and american art (apparently erased by the admin because in spam) and the magnificent sentences you have just done about the ´´camembert´´ 

Well. No one would envy such competences and we have only to search in your old interventions to find dozens of these gems.

I do think that F..vindictive youngters like you desserve the idea our american friends have about frenchies and the only explanation is that YOU must really have the beret down the eyebrows and bread under the armpit!

Fantastic! Two French cocks have put the helmet of the French Minerva and they fight in English language. Theater of the absurdity. Entrez! The show is free.


If there is no decision: Brushs

Brushs with the famous paintings Saint Luc 

´´ vive la peinture ´´


the only fight that I can tolerate is the one against the arrogance and the sufficiency of some pseudo-experts who think that their words are like gospel truth and never accept the contradiction . The world of art and specially in France is full of these buffoons who want to rule the market and take the liberty to affirm and write such judgment : ´´ It´s funny those guys who ask for advices and when you see that their treasure has no quality, no depth, no presence, they pee on the ground and roll over. You know what? At your place, I would let adult persons attending to art ´´

Pistols at dawn?
Hello bonjour

saintluc : Bravo pirouette of the artist clap clap... the show must go on

dicrediting somebody is allowed by your holy status [?]...for once you don´t use some bad tricky webpage setting to clown around [:)] ...I know sometimes it´s hard to be always at the top ....

Reverse copy drawing of course but of XVIII cent drawing by Boucher


Originally posted by pfbnantes


...I know sometimes it´s hard to be always at the top ....

You especially know each day how much harder it is to be always at the bottom[B)]