Last 10 Posts (In reverse order)
Bravo Fausta ! Grazie Vietato!

Translation: ´´It was an attempt to ease tensions, to silence Paulkyriakides and finish everything with a laugh: I did not succeed.

But that story strange and outlandish, someone might believe ... Or not?

An ´´urban legend´´, one of those stories that are told to pass the time and make you laugh and eventually pass almost for real ...

There is the true and there is the plausible ... there is the abstract and the concrete ... There is doubt and certainty ... There is the original and the copy ... there is the possibility and there is the verification ... If we are talking about art, you must be prepared to accept the fantasy, where there is no link between what we have today under the eyes […] and what was once, and which perhaps has been lost .

Here it is night.´´


e-store: Vietato´s Gallery 

I am webmaster on this: Art Talk - Foredrag om kunst  (in Danish - about art lectures)
At one time there was a post in this thread quoting a text that mentioned copies of this painting where the original bread in the basket was substituted with cobs, and that this was popular in brothels.

I think the language of the text was not English, but I don´t remember who posted it.

If the text was accurate, then any painting with cobs instead of bread would not be the original.

Was it merely a joke, since it has now been deleted?




e-store: Vietato´s Gallery 

I am webmaster on this: Art Talk - Foredrag om kunst  (in Danish - about art lectures)
Thanks wolkenblau - I thought it was in this thread, where it rightfully belongs.

Can Ercole tell the origin of this information?




e-store: Vietato´s Gallery 

I am webmaster on this: Art Talk - Foredrag om kunst  (in Danish - about art lectures)
Era un tentativo per allentare la tensione, per fare tacere Paulkyriakides e finire tutto con una risata: non ci sono riuscita.

Però, a quella storia strana e strampalata, qualcuno aveva creduto... O no?

Una storia ´´metropolitana´´, una di quelle storie che si raccontano per passare il tempo e far ridere e che alla fine passano quasi per vere...

C´è il vero e c´è il verosimile... c´è l´astratto e c´è il concreto... c´è il dubbio e c´è la certezza... c´è l´originale e c´è la copia... c´è l´ipotesi e c´è la verifica... se qui si parla d´Arte, dovete essere pronti ad accettare la fantasia, quando manca un anello di congiunzione tra quello che abbiamo oggi sotto gli occhi, e che possimo verificare, e quello che c´era una volta e che forse è andato perduto.

Qui è notte fonda.


remember the litghograph, needle work and recently found snuff box, all depict corn not bread
´´Life is not perfect and neither is Google if it were there would be no questions left to ask and no mysteries to seak, this is what makes life so interesting. ´´ Paul Kyriakides 2011
Dear wasbach,

I did not speak about the ´´citation´´. My question is about the file that paulkyriakides attached to his last post (attached again here) : Does it mean -as I tranlated- that the painting was damaged in a raid (or destroy) and not that it disappeared?