Last 10 Posts (In reverse order)
arb 6 years ago
Good idea, Merray! Layout-wise FB is a lot better than this site. And right: I can block the vilains that keep wasting helpful people´s time with scuffed, blurred, fuzzy photos... I´m in!
Cool-minded and reasonable moderator there needed so I´m waiting for Vietato´s response. :)ps.If the community here in general rejects the idea, deciding to remain art critics anonymous club... oh well, at the very least I would be really happy to befriend you on FB Arb, something good will eventually come out our friendship. 🙂
We were talking about this in different topics for years now with little progress...

Hey guys, just a thought... maybe we should try at least creating an Art Group on Facebook? :)

It could be useful in many ways including some greater exposure and hopefully some influence on art market in broader circles, starting with sharing and educating the public about the fakes on the market like it´s done in the other topic.

FB has many great tools, so those of us who don´t like each other for example can block or unfriend (whatever it´s called) not to see particular person´s posts. :)))
arb 6 years ago
It is the same supposed arrogance many patients will say of a medical specialist they want to accept their misconceptions. The doctor cannot embark on endless discussions with total laymen and will eventually enforce his judgment by stating a final opinion. That is no pretence, no arrogance, it is what the medical man has to offer and that must do. He does not pretend to know, he knows. And the patient does not. He can have his cake and eat it. Or not.

There is a substantial amount of artistic and art historical knowledge available on this forum. Those that supply it want nothing in return but for their many years of learning and experience to be usefull. If that gratis knowledge does not agree with an applicants´s wishfull thinking, he is free to set it aside. But as one cannot at will tell the doctor to transfer decades of experience to a stubborn patient or to change his diagnosis, one must at some point make do with the answers here. If you have a problem with authority, then don´t consult those that you cede it to.
Job 6 years ago
´´There´s a high level of pretentiousness and arrogance here that you see widely throughout the art world´´.

I don´t know what your background is, but I´m curious re what exactly it is that you consider to be so dreadfully arrogant here, especially when what you´re essentially taking about is people giving of their time and experience for no reward. Since there´s apparently such a ´´high level´´ of it, there must be some examples you can quote. I´d really like to know what it is that you think is so offensive.

I know I´m probably guilty of seeming quite arrogant on occasion, if for no other reason than my language is quite clipped. But I barely ever post anything and when I do, it´s less from an academic standpoint than it is from experience in the trade and of restoration and from just having a good ´´eye´´ (even if I say so myself). I only started replying at all after asking questions myself, just in case, and then thinking I should contribute something in return because there are too few who can reply sensibly when I could sometimes. I could/would have posted more, had I not been quickly put off by running into ridiculous resentment for not saying what someone wanted to hear. So just for the record, I would point out the counter position, in that for people who do have some idea of what they´re doing, it is actually quite soul destroying to see evinced how appallingly inadequate most people are with regard to anything to do with art. But I, personally, still don´t intend to ´´berate´´ people. And if what you´re talking about is anything to do with me, I would like to know. There´s nothing very dreadful here in my opinion, though, so examples of the multiplicity of offending posts would be good.

There´s a high level of pretentiousness and arrogance here that you see widely throughout the art world. There is what I´d consider thrift store art often posted but I don´t feel the need to berate someone about it or make them feel bad and stupid as lots of these posts do. I´ve received some amazing detailed information which I´m grateful for but also some wildly inaccurate info or wrong assumptions as well though. All too often it feels like you´re put on trial if you even dare inquire about art here. For that reason I just sort of cringe even considering posting something so I´d rather just lurk occasionally but I should try more than I do.
Originally posted by Vietato

I also have a conversation with Yue Han (a nice woman, by the way) from BidtoArt, and I have agreed to be a moderator of the Ask Art forum there.

Well, If you´re going to be there, Vietato, I suppose I´ll have to start checking it out.

I don´t have an art background or expertise, but enjoy reading the inquiries and answers provided by others, and you´ve been particularly helpful to many.

See you at BidtoArt/Ask Art forum!

This site (Findartinfo) is rather clunky relative to some these days, but there are still helpful folks here, too.


William L.

If you sign up with you get a month of free access to all auction details, so it´s worth a try.

I hope more people will find the forum over there.




I am webmaster on this: Art Talk - Denmark in words and pictures 
Job 6 years ago
I´ve assumed the validation process is automatic too, and have tried alternative email addresses, but to no avail.

And Invaluable is really good! It´s the only results platform that I think is actually worth subscribing to. It has a huge database and some results are available for want just of registering (recent prices generally but some older ones too and I´ve never quite worked out what makes the difference). But even where you have to have subscribed to see results, you still get to see the auction house and can chase many individual results that way if you need to. .