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3 days ago

Hello everyone,

I'm currently doing research on a painter from the 18th century, which happens to be a distant family member of mine. I stumbled upon the work you see in the photo. I hope anywone can help me find out more about it, or even know where it is at. Here's what I know so far:

- It was painted by Jeremias Schultz, around 1770.
- The painting was part of William Kingsland collection, an art collector based in NYC that, so they found after his death, happened to have a lot of stolen artworks. Therefore I don't have any info on the journey the painting made before his death.
- After his death, FBI looked for the original owner, nobody claimed the artwork thus it was auctioned.
- It is (probably) part of two pendants, the other work called "Portrait of a lady holding an orange blossom" is part of the AGO collection in Ontario.

Does anyone know anything about the painting? I'm trying to find auction records from before the artwork was in New York.

Any info is more than welcome!
Kind regards,
