Art Discussion - Any questions, concerns, curiosity that are looking for an answer
New PostsG. Warren Abbey1102
Wanted: Information about this artist
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New PostsHelp identification of this Large Antique Oil Painting1270
Large antique oil of ruins an people on a pilgrimage
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New PostsNeed help with very old painting2408
I have a very old painting from the “boot” of Italy.
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can anybody tell me what happen to this forum, it used to be really nice art forum but it turned in to... forum, is it only me feeling this way ? does Admin control the contents of the posts ? if something posted here its not an art should not be removed ?

Admin please. Bug in the advanced search area695,839
Hello! There is a serious problem in the Advanced search area. For example I serched for Sla*n and was rewarded with 726 results in 25 pages. But the first page displays only 6 results and clicking on the page 2 leads to a "sorry no result for "sla*n. [?] Many thanks
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