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How did I miss this thread?

This is pure entertainment right here.

How much longer will the blind walk around with their eyes closed? Wandering the grounds of their towns in blind folds? Consequently, the eyes need light in order to see. Though the eyes may work, it is of no use and significance in complete darkness. Such are the repliers of this post. For you see with your intellect but remain in darkness without true sound and wholesome knowledge. You suppose that life is defined by your accomplishments, but the very life that you posses required no effort on your part attain. So in an attempt to ventilate your vain and purposeless notions, you have assumed the position of intellectual men in an effort to establish a foundationless platform to convey your foolishness. To a man in a bottomless pit, looking down to him feel as though he is high. In the same way you who have no foundation look down on others that you may feel high even though your intellectual fall is apparent. On the flip side if he looks up he recognizes the true magnitude of his fall and considers his own futility. Recognize that you are all mere men and cease from the foolish ramblings.

Check out this great Klee original watercolor! 

I am so excited I think I might buy it! After all, when will I ever have another chance to purchase an original Klee for a mere $240!

Would anyone like to give opinions?

PS- if you give me any opinions that say this isn´t really by Klee, you are as wrong! Wrong I say! And you are a braggart, a boaster and a blowhard! (Insert bizarre haiku here)
Does anyone else feel that maybe Jigsaw and TL are one in the same.

You know split personality thingie.
The erudite shall heir glory but ridicule shall be the poster of fools. The blast blows wherever it pleases. You hear its tone, but you cannot recount or impart where it is advance.
Anomalous feast on your wealth and your travail enrich another´s house.
Anomalous feast on your wealth and your travail enrich another´s house.
This is surely the most entertaining of all the posts ever on this forum? Jigsaw I salute you!