  • bcaln1
  • 54% (Neutral)
  • Newbie Topic Starter
3 months ago
Good Evening,

I'd just like to see if I can get any help identifying the signature on this artwork. Many thanks for taking a look.



 IMG_2982 (2).jpeg You have insufficient rights to see the content.

 IMG_2983 (2).jpeg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
  • Admin
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2 months ago
The year '66' indicates that the artwork was created in 1966. This might help narrow down the search within the right time frame.
a month ago
The signature in the image appears to be from the artist David Hockney, a prominent British painter, draftsman, printmaker, and photographer known for his contributions to the pop art movement. The initials "D. H." likely represent David Hockney, and the year "66" indicates that the work was created in 1966.