  • Admin
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10 years ago
Hi Merray,

Thank so much your replies!

We only tried to explain for you "How to search well". Every information from you helps us to improve our website.

We are working with programmers to fix again as soon as possible.

Thanks & Regards.

  • Merray
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10 years ago
Hi Adrian,

This is exactly how this search engine worked for years prior to those modifications a couple of month ago or so.

And I personally don´t have a problem with that. This makes this site unique - capable of some particular types of searches not available on any other art sites. For example often you can make out only some letters of a signature´s first and last names, so you want to have all of the possible combinations to look through to find a match.

I hope there is a way to adjust the search so both ways could be doable, but if we have to chose between the two, I certainly vote for the "old-new" settings. 
  • Merray
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10 years ago
Besides, Adrian, in your particular search all of your a.mayers are on the very top anyway, so I´m not quite sure why it bothers you that there is something else following. :)

But even if there would be any other initial, the desired search results would still be grouped. 
10 years ago
Dear admin,

something wierd has happened. Last week my search "A* Meyer" lead to just a few results like Anton Meyer, Arne Meyer, etc.

Now somehow I get 9 pages of different results including all kind of Meyerhoffs and Meyerheims and even Roberta Meyerson [:D]

If I search for "A* Meyer" I obviously want to search for variations of the prename. Could you please check the code? Regards, Ad
10 years ago
Originally posted by Merray

Besides, Adrian, in your particular search all of your a.mayers are on the very top anyway, so I´m not quite sure why it bothers you that there is something else following. :) 

Yes, you are right, but this was just an example. If I want to search for "* Meyer" I just want Meyers, not 15 pages of Meyerheims [:D]. In that case I dont have the prename, I have to go through all the pages.

I am pretty sure this was different a short time ago.
10 years ago
Admin.. you need to make your monogram search easier.. one should have the opportunity to click directly to the picture of signature in the search result.. as it is now one must first click at the artist name and from there you can click one more time to see signature. This is annoying and is twice as slow.
  • Merray
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10 years ago
Strangely enough this search engine settings still don´t help the issue I´ve mentioned above: the search of "james macdonald" still wouldn´t give me results like "james edward harvey macdonald". :( 
  • Merray
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10 years ago
I´m actually happy now! They did it: I get my "james edward harvey macdonald" with the "james macdonald" search now. :) 
10 years ago

Dear Admin, the way the search worked was ideal (for me). Now its different and obviously Merray is not happy either. Any ideas? Regards, Ad
  • Merray
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10 years ago

Adrian, as you probably know there are 3 other (beside this one) industry leading websites out there, plus a number of sort of lesser ones. Each has very different search engine, but none is universal - capable of addressing every investigated case. So depending on a quest I may use askart´s or artprices´ searches at times, but findartinfo´s I still find the most useful and therefore the most visited by me. Theoretically it´s probably possible to have it all on one site by installing 3 types of search engines and having something like three buttons to preselect the type of engine you want to use and having separate pages explaining how each of the searches works, but practically... I don´t quite see it. ...but maybe it´s just me. 
  • Merray
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10 years ago
Another option to deal with the issue of "too many unwanted results" would be to add something like Google´s search with quotation marks, in the case with "mayer" it would mean a search for precisely that name - no mayerhoffs of any sort. :) 
10 years ago
Thanks, Merray. Yes, I use artprice frequently (and rarely askart, artnet and artvalue). Artprice and findartinfo complement one another. I use artprice whenever I need variations of an artist name.
10 years ago
Originally posted by Merray

askart would work perfectly for your ""A Meyer" search as they have two separate fields for first and last names. It will also give you the "Meyerhoffs" there, but all of the "meyers" will be on the top.

The problem with the findartinfo´s search in this case (and some others) is, that the results are sorted in alphabetical order of the first names rather than the last names. I think it´s worth correcting if possible. 

I like that it puts the search results in alphabetical order by the first name. A lot of artists sign with their full last name but only there first initial. The current way you only have to look at the results for first a first name that starts with the initial on your painting.

If you have just a last name then you can just browse.

  • Merray
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10 years ago
askart would work perfectly for your ""A Meyer" search as they have two separate fields for first and last names. It will also give you the "Meyerhoffs" there, but all of the "meyers" will be on the top.

The problem with the findartinfo´s search in this case (and some others) is, that the results are sorted in alphabetical order of the first names rather than the last names. I think it´s worth correcting if possible. 
  • Merray
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10 years ago
Hi David,

The problem with that is that in this case (like on Adrien´s example) "meyers" are scattered in between "meyerhoffs" on several pages. So the only effective way to address the "initial quest" effectively is to have it askart´s way with two separate tabs for first and last name´s.

Or what I´m suggesting is to give last names the sorting priority, and then first names within the same last names are sorted alphabetically as well. 
  • Admin
  • 55.5% (Neutral)
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10 years ago
Hi all,

Now you can use " " for searching. It´s the same way of Google.

Thanks & Regards,

10 years ago
Thank you, that is great. However, it does not work yet. Please check with "Meyer" for example.
  • Admin
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9 years ago

Sorry late to answer late. You can try with "Google search" and compare them. Example: "A Meyer". It´s very difficult for you to check only a word


Originally posted by Adrian

Thank you, that is great. However, it does not work yet. Please check with "Meyer" for example.

9 years ago
Thanks a lot, now I understand.
9 years ago
Originally posted by Adrian

Thanks a lot, now I understand.

I still don´t. You get the same results with "meyer" as you do with meyer with no quotation marks. When you do a google search for "meyer" you don´t get meyerheim or any of the others other than meyers.
