  • d1fferent
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15 years ago
Thank you for all the quick feedback so far.

Very interesting, I believe it is the same subject matter, as I can see the distinct differences, like the hair, eyes, chin and the lips, also mine is dated 2 years after the oil painting was done, so it may be a bit far-fetched I don´t know, unless it was done to represent the colossal change in the person...

When I purchased the item, it was sold as 17th Century School Style, and bears a signature, I think I paid on the money or a bit more for this oil painting... Could it be the cataloguers, catalogued it wrongly, where would I go about finding out, and how much would a fair price of restoration cost?

I am currently signed up to findartinfo, is anbody signed up to arnet, or artprice? I think they have more auction results by this artist, also we may be able to validate the signature.


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  • d1fferent
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15 years ago

Thankyou, $6,000 - $8,000, sold for $900, come on Christies get your act together...?

Wasbeach, I assume you mean it is $1,000 after restorations, if so how much would be a fair price to pay do you think?

I think this may be one for eBay...


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  • d1fferent
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15 years ago
Originally posted by wasbach

This painting will never loose its value in my opinion, d1fficult.

That´s why I would let it restore - now or in a few years.



Thank you, I hope you are right.

I think the painting is a good honest painting, which shows true quality.

Can, I just ask again, how much would be a suitable cost to pay for restorations, I have never had anything restored as of yet, I think a simple over painting is all that it requires...

Also, do you have any instant messaging services, like Windows Live or Skype, we could discuss it further, like your opinion on the auction cataloguing it as 17th Century style.


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  • noggie
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  • d1fferent
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15 years ago
Also, do you have any instant messaging services, like Windows Live or Skype, we could discuss it further, like your opinion on the auction cataloguing it as 17th Century style.

Why use speech marks, when saying ´´restoration´´?

Also, I am sorry this is going to sound really nooby, however you say $300, is this cleaned and restored or just cleaned.



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15 years ago
This painting will never loose its value in my opinion, d1fficult.

That´s why I would let it restore - now or in a few years.


15 years ago
I read ´S du Bois fecit 1685´, so I would guess it´s ´´Simon Dubois´´ (Flemish, 1632-1708).



Simon Du Bois b Antwerp, bapt 26 July 1632; d London, bur 26 May 1708). Flemish painter, active in England. He was the youngest son of the painter Hendrik Du Bois (c. 1589-1646) and studied with Philips Wouwerman in 1652-3 before spending some years in Italy with his brother Edward Du Bois (1619-96). He had returned to Haarlem by 1661. The brothers settled in London c. 1680. Du Bois´s earlier portraits are busts set within a plain oval surround. They are in the Dutch bourgeois tradition and make no concessions to prevailing English taste. Sir William Jones and Elizabeth, Lady Jones, both signed and dated 1682 (both London, Dulwich Pict. Gal.), are typical examples of his vivid style. He produced similar works on a smaller scale and oil miniatures on copper. He also painted an unusual portrait of his friend Adrian Beverland, a licentious poet, as a ´vertuoso deseigning´ among pyramids and ruins; the work is known from a mezzotint (London, BM) by Isaac Beckett. Du Bois´s patron and friend Lord Somers commissioned a full-length portrait in Lord Chancellor´s robes (c. 1698; Wrest Park, Beds), and the artist also painted Archbishop Tenison (1695; London, Lambeth Pal.), but official portraiture was really beyond his range. He painted landscapes and battle scenes, usually involving Turks on horseback, as well as pastiches of Italian Old Masters. These were apparently sold as originals, and subsequent authentication has proved very difficult.

Source:Art Encyclopedia



15 years ago
Your painting is worth around 1000 USD:


Perhaps at the moment and in case of the immense double chin a little bit less.


15 years ago
Can, I just ask again, how much would be a suitable cost to pay for restorations, I have never had anything restored as of yet, I think a simple over painting is all that it requires...

I can´t say how much ´´restoration´´ is necessary.

But what I can say is, I never came to know a professional restorer, who did a restoration without a thoroughly cleaning and this is at least 300 Euro in my opinion.



  • d1fferent
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15 years ago
Item with no provenance, ´´Manner Of / After Claude Monet´´ I am definetly not going to sell it as by the artist... So it is sold as seen, if anybody is un happy with a purchase, of course a refund will be issued, does anything suit your fancy Wasbeach...??? I have a oil painting in the manner of Rembrandt soon, it will probably be listed on Monday.


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  • d1fferent
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15 years ago
I have contacted the seller and informed them that it is a reproduction in my opinion, and according to a few acquaintances, and even though I described it as being after / manner of, I can fully understand what you are saying. I thought the way I was listing it was trying to make it sound in the best light possible, however I must say this has been a lot more grey sales of paintings on eBay, which I have seen, just to let you guys know, I am not trying to decieve I am trying to describe the item the best way possible, seller and I have agreed to close the transaction, thanks for the guidance...


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  • muesli
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15 years ago
Hello d1fferent, I must agree with Wasbach that your eBay item ´´Claude Monet´´ is presented on a very misleading way. Less experienced eBay members can think of the possibility or even the chance to buy a real Monet. Surely because directly under the title you are giving the auction high price of a real Monet. Not fair in my opinion. Raf.

  • muesli
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15 years ago
Hi D1fferent, I have let different paintings restored here and when done by a professional my guess you will pay at least 1000 euros. It is not only the cleaning but also conservation. I see worm holes in the frame, how is the condition of the canvas ? Why is the paint coming off on some places and where does it need to repair ?

Conservation is more then just cleaning. My suggestion : go and see some restorers and ask for their prices. Good restoration costs money but you have to ask yourself if you want to keep this painting at home and enjoy it for years or not. regards, Raf.
  • muesli
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15 years ago
Hello d1ferent, If you don´t want to keep the painting for yourself, then I think it is wise to sell it as it is now. Otherwise if you keep it, then it has to be restored and conserved for the next 50 years (waxing on the back, taking off old varnish and cleaning, repainting damages, new varnish, protecting the wood of stretcher, repairing the frame, ...) Up to you. Regards, Raf.
  • d1fferent
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15 years ago
Thanks, regards to the size it is 25´´ x 20´´, and the paint loss measures around 3 cm wide.


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  • d1fferent
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15 years ago
Originally posted by muesli

but you have to ask yourself if you want to keep this painting at home and enjoy it for years or not.


I can always sell it as is, I believe a small of restoration would do this painting justice.

However I do not want them to go to town with the restoration I just want a basic over painting, nothing special otherwise I can really not justify the costs.


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  • d1fferent
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15 years ago
Originally posted by muesli

Hello d1ferent, If you don´t want to keep the painting for yourself, then I think it is wise to sell it as it is now. Otherwise if you keep it, then it has to be restored and conserved for the next 50 years (waxing on the back, taking off old varnish and cleaning, repainting damages, new varnish, protecting the wood of stretcher, repairing the frame, ...) Up to you. Regards, Raf.

Thank you for you reply everybody, I have now listed it on eBay, and going to see how it goes... The link can be provided on request.


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15 years ago
Why use speech marks, when saying ´´restoration´´?

Restoration is a very general term, it could mean a lot of different things.

Unfortunately you didn’t tell us about the size of your painting.

Cleaning costs have to do with the size, the way of cleaning and other conditions.

My “300 Euro” was only cleaning, but Tim surely can tell us more and better about this.



15 years ago

´´Clau[d]e Monet is highly listed, and very prolific.´´

You mustn´t complain about getting into a mess with this.


15 years ago
Heading is:


That means, this (your) Claude Monet is highly listed.

This will bring trouble, d1fficult.


  • d1fferent
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15 years ago
A period picture* no need to try and take it out of context, stop pretending you don´t know what I mean.

Catch up Vietato.

Oh, so you´re an expert on paintings Vietato, awesome, then you must know much more refined and difficult stuff, please enlighten me.


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  • muesli
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15 years ago
Hi, d1fferent, What happened with the eBay auction of this painting ? I saw a bid of 400£ this afternoon and you lowered the reserve so that the bid was accepted. Now I see that auction has ended and reserve not reached ? Regards, Raf.

15 years ago
Originally posted by d1fferent

he thinks everything is right, and period to the picture

What does ´´period to the picture´´ mean? I just don´t know that phrase in English.

If the Bonham-man thinks everything is right, then it´s by Claude Monet - at least in his opinon [8D]

(Oh, I see we are not talking about the Monet anymore) [:I]

Still interested in the meaning of the phrase, though!




e-store: Vietato´s Gallery 
  • muesli
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15 years ago
Hi d1fferent, I was watching it and perhaps, depending on the amount at the last moment waiting for bidding or not. This painting is from a Flemish painter and as I am from Flanders ... But I also had to consider the restoration costs as I told you before. When I should have bought it I did not have the intention to resell it but keep it for myself. Hopely you get a good price at Bonhams auction. Otherwise you can try Bernaerts or another good auction house in Antwerp. Regards, Raf.
  • d1fferent
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15 years ago
Hello, I am speaking to an acquaintance about the painting tomorrow, at Bonhams, and he thinks everything is right, and period to the picture, from the email I have sent him, but he would prefer to see the painting in first hand, so I am going to try and get him to authenticate it, as I believe this will help it, where you just watching it or considering bidding may I ask ??


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  • d1fferent
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15 years ago
That maybe because it is a bargain Vietato...

You make a valid point, and I believe it would be best to take it off, I just want to advertise it the best was possible !! This may not be a service they permit, so for my own safety I will remove this, thanks for the genuine guidance, it goes a long way !!


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15 years ago
It´s very kind of the Bonhams´ fine arts specialist to let you use the name of the auction house to endorse your eBay auction.

I think that´s unprecedented.

(And i DO believe you are telling the truth, I am merely saying that auction houses normally will not allow their evaluations/authentications published outside the house. And they might feel ´´taken hostage´´ for your own opinion that this painting, if repainted and cleaned, would sell for at least £20,000 in a gallery.

That you sell it with a starting price of £135, which is less than £150, as you emphasize, with a very low reserve, well, that seems to be a bargain!)



e-store: Vietato´s Gallery 
  • Shvedi
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15 years ago
d1fferent...I guess Vietato is not the only one who speaks English as a second language. That last post of yours, I am not sure what language that was. It didn´t even make sense.
  • d1fferent
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15 years ago
Your own expertise, is defiantly something to brag about Virtato, believe me.

I think you have mis understood entirely what I said, I mearly meant to say, it is a period piece, so he thinks it looks to be painted around when this artist was around, is this now making sense to you Vietato, or do you want me to try and explain it again for good luck.


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  • d1fferent
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15 years ago
I like jumping on band wagons to it is fun, hey, look at me jumping on a band wagon, so fun, this is hilarious !!

I absolutely ridicule the fact how you refer to that week point, which is totally irrelevant as me and the buyer cancelled the transaction... So, nearly a good idea trying to refer to the facts, but it turned out to be fiction for you.


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15 years ago
Hello different

do you think it´s correct and fair to have bought on ebay on 10/02 item no 27052672509 a monet painting at 1,99 GBP et sold the same item on 7/03 at 95 GBP item no 320495984381 ... with the mention ´´ Claude Monet is highly listed, and very prolific ´´ ... ´´ I hope that your fair trade ! will continue but with a name like antique fine art you are very close to swindling ...
15 years ago
You are getting me wrong, d1fferent.

English is my second language, and it happens all the time that I see expressions that I don´t know and might consider using.

Of course I can understand that this has something to do with a painting of the period.

I was just interested in knowing if something can be ´´period to´´, or if it´s a common expression.

But this forum is not about language, so I regret my question, sorry!

My own expertise is not something to brag about. I like to learn.




e-store: Vietato´s Gallery 
  • muesli
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15 years ago
Hi d1fferent, After what I have read here on this forum I am no longer interested in it. Thanks and good luck ! Raf.