please look at the very beginning and the very back of the book for a block of text, a colophon, which will tell you not just the publisher´s name but a date, and possibly some other information. also, please also take a good, clear, large photo of the bottom left text on the illustrated pages and post it.
beyond that, it is clearly a book about metalwork, including stained glass, which is scarce - if not nearly extinct - in its own right. get a couple of sheets of acid free tissue paper and wrap the book in it.
as for the name Picasso, it is not owned by pablo ruiz or his descendants. there are, for example, over 400 picassos in the italian white pages, of which twenty are ´´L´´ - luigi, luciano, etc. so it is entirely likely that a blacksmith named luigi, or lombardo, or luciano picasso produced one book.