Dear Friends!
When the amount of years is bigger than the amount of money that one has, some trouble are inevitable. Whenever I complain about being old, a friend of mine comforts me saying: "don´t worry, nothing lasts forever". He´s right. You are right too, SAINLUC when you´re angry at me for not thanking you for your wonderful and such relevant reviews. I am grateful and I do admire them.
I am just lost in my duties. SHAWNSTER in his comment to our discussion about my first topic – "Old drawing" – asked me (and You) how old the actual drawing could be and I had no idea what to reply, so I thought maybe you might suggest something. I took the lack of your reaction as a proof that you had enough of that topic – and your long muteness about "second old drawing" only confirmed my conviction.
Please consider that I don´t really speak english and every "action" means: writing, sending to translation, accepting the costs, outsourcing and… waiting for an answer – that´s a lot of stress for such an oldie as me. I´m willing once again to apologize, hoping you´re going to forgive me.
Talking about the current topic: your suggestions seems to be brilliant to me.
I failed to meet "Hercules" for a whole year – while it´s just a bang on!
Just like WILLIAMS, I used to think that torsos concern "Torso Belvedere".
It surprised me why such a good drawer could not give them the proper direction just like Rubens did. I only have Michelangelo left with his study of Pieta :¶mAction=actionGetImage&idImgPrinc=1&idFicheOeuvre=1239&provenance=mlo&searchIn Michelangelo had plenty of followers and they could reply the themes of his drawings during their studies or... produce forgeries. Or maybe hmm… in the "Medici gardens" there was some "Hercules" lying with his leg cut off while a young teenage boy was learning how to draw antique sculptures[?][:D][:I] What would you say about that?
Time for few words for WILLIAMS. I am very grateful for your emotions and comments. There´s no "my" watermark in the book of mrs J.R. but your impression that it must to be checked was very righteous.
You have no idea what a pleasure for me is the fact that you like my drawing, thank you for all your comments. They help increasing our "common knowledge" about the topic and I am not going to forget that we own it to you.
Last but not least WOLKENBLAU! You are my angel. It was you who cheered me up saying my "japanese–style pastel" is not a daub. I´m not joking! It´s very important to me. Who knows if without your impact I´d still be writing new topics – certainly this discussion wouldn´t take place because only by myself I wouldn´t dare to bring back my topic to the top of the list. Thank you.
My best regards for all of you. I ask for understanding and I´m counting on your forthcoming ideas and opinions.